
Mixed media on canvas; 40x30cm; 2023

450 EUR (shipping costs excluded)

About Creation: Consisting of many layers of texture, this painting is one of my absolute favorites. It is a visualization of my main intention while making art - to discover layers of myself through layers of paint. A real attention magnet, this painting surprises with new discoveries within each one of it´s colorful details.


Beauty in Gray

Mixed media on poster canvas; 50x50cm; 2023

750 EUR (shipping costs excluded)

About Beauty in Gray: We often view the world in black and white, and in doing so miss out on all the beauty, complexity and dynamic that lies within the gray parts. Even though nothing is ever black or white, I find it interesting how our minds often try to create this dichotomy. With this painting I wanted to showcase the beauty that lies within gray and encourage the viewer to embrace it - both in the artwork, as in life. 


Spring Nebula Trio

Mixed media on canvas; 25x25 cm; 2023

190 EUR per painting (shipping costs 



About Spring Nebula Trio: This trio was inspired by the colors of spring and blossoming flowers. At the same time, it was also an exploration of the balance between light and dark. The deep purples remind me of storm clouds, with bright neon sun rays breaking through the clouds. These three paintings are available for purchase as a trio or as individual paintings. 


Remember to Dream

Mixed media on canvas; 29x29cm; 2023

250 EUR (shipping costs excluded)

About Remember to DreamOne of my previous A3 paintings (featured here) is called (Emb)racing (day)dreams as a reference to our driving forces - embracing dreams and racing away from bad dreams. Are you running away from something, or rather towards something? With this newer painting, I wanted to remind myself of the importance of doing the latter, and having the courage to embrace opportunities as they come. 


(Over) Saturation

Mixed media on wood board; 25x60 cm; 2023

350 EUR (shipping costs excluded)

About Over Saturation: I often use upcycled materials in my art - this painting is painted on two wooden boards. It reminds me of the duality of our brains - the creative and the logical part, and the internal storm that can sometimes arise between the two. The feeling of a buzzing mind; the clash between ideas and self-criticism.  


(Trauma) Bond

Mixed media; 2 canvases each 30x30cm; 2023

600 EUR (shipping costs excluded)

About Trauma Bond: The theme of this painting is bonding and building connections with the people in our lives. Sometimes because of and sometimes despite our individual experiences and traumas. About having the courage to be vulnerable and take up space, and experience the healing power of genuine human connection.  

Exploring Darkness

Acrylics on canvas; 30x40cm; 2022

450 EUR  (shipping costs excluded) 


About Exploring Darkness: Probably one of my darkest paintings, for me it is a representation of the pain and suffering brought on by the Covid pandemic and the lockdown of 2020/1. It was a challenge to maintain my mental wellbeing while staying inside and not being able to see friends and family (urban sketching helped). After the pandemic, I decided to dedicate time to my mental health - I started therapy, discovered new hobbies and literature and set out to connect with others´ with similar challenges. That is why I see Exploring Darkness  as a reminder to not fear the dark parts of oneself, as they can can serve as a teacher and point us in a new direction.


Mixed media; 2 canvases each 20x20cm; 2022 

250 EUR (shipping costs excluded)


About Searching: One of my all time favorites, it was an intense experiment in layering - each one bringing along a new discovery of how different types of texture interact with paint and golden foil. Each new addition changed the composition of the paintings, resulting in this satisfying tribute to exploration. 

Two Sides of Life

Mixed media on canvas; 60x90cm; 2022 

1600 EUR (shipping costs excluded)


About Two Sides of Life: My largest painting captures the duality of life - the joy versus the sorrow, the connection versus the loneliness, the light versus the dark. Most importantly, it also encapsulates the connection between the two sides of life, and the realization that there is no light without dark, no joy without the sorrow, and no true connection without the journey of self-discovery. 

Origin Story

Mixed media on poster canvas (upcycled canvas); 50x50cm; 2022 

750 EUR (shipping costs excluded)


About Origin Story: I used broken and torn pieces of canvas from previous paintings and recycled aluminum foil to create texture in this painting. By adding bright, holographic foil I aimed to create a representation of how a drop of something shiny and new can transform the whole painting. Out of dark times, brightness can spark. Everyone has an origin story.